atlanta facial plastic surgeon


How does provider training vary in facial plastic surgery?

As facial plastic surgery increases in popularity, the number of physicians offering these services has increased greatly. Consequently, it is more important to understand the differences in training programs these practitioners undergo.  There are four core specialties which focus on training physicians in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery: Facial Plastic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Oculoplastic Surgery, and …

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An Interview with Dr. Mark Beaty

Congratulations to Dr. Mark Beaty for being nominated to run for the presidency of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and for his Best Rhinoplasty win for the second year from the Atlantan magazine. Interview Surgeons are known for having type A personalities.  Do you think that is necessary as a surgeon? …

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Facial Implants can be Customized for your Face!

What are facial implants? Yes, face implants can absolutely be customized to your face.  Facial implants are solid biocompatible material shaped to fit on the facial skeleton and provide augmentation and/or reshaping. Several different materials are used, the most common being solid silicone. What kind of facial implants are commonly used? The most common facial …

Facial Implants can be Customized for your Face! Read More »

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The Melting Midface

What happens to the cheeks as we age? As we get older, several changes occur in our midface that create a more aged appearance. We lose elasticity and collagen in the skin, which causes skin to sag.  The fat pads in the face deflate and descend and our facial skeleton gets smaller as bone reabsorbs …

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My Skincare Routine

My Skincare Routine Until my 30s, my skincare routine consisted of washing my face when taking a shower and putting on sunscreen when on a beach vacation. Needless to say, my routine evolved and improved over the years. I’m now 52 and I am very happy with my aging skin and I credit it to …

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Dr. Beaty’s ProLift

A facelift is a facelift, right? Wrong. That’s why Dr. Beaty developed his own proprietary procedure called the ProLift™. Rather than making one-size-fits-all determinations prior to surgery, Dr. Beaty instead analyzes the patient’s problem areas all the way through the surgery, creating the perfect pairing of surgical technique with each patient’s unique needs. How does …

Dr. Beaty’s ProLift Read More »

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