In the modern social and professional world looking your best is an integral part of reaching your personal maximum performance. The modern man invests more in his health and wellness than ever before so why not add attention to aesthetic care and appearance improvement to what you are already doing with dietary and training regimens? At Beaty Facial Plastic Surgery we offer a wide variety of surgical and non-surgical treatments to keep you looking and feeling your best. From Bro-tox to surgery our team will help you stay on top of your game.

A strong jawline is typically considered a desirable feature of the masculine face. Chin augmentation is an effective way to permanently enhance the shape of the jaw while maintaining a natural appearance. Chin implants come in a variety of shapes, allowing tailoring for the most desirable effect. This surgical procedure is short and the recovery time is only 1-2 weeks.

The shape of the nose has a profound influence on the appearance of the entire face. Whether you need a hump removed, a crooked area straightened or just a more refined appearance to your nose, we can help. Dr. Beaty is an expert rhinoplasty surgeon. He has helped many men enhance their appearance, often improving nasal breathing at the same time. Rhinoplasty is performed as an outpatient procedure and has a recovery time of one to two weeks for return to routine activity.

The male brow is naturally lower and heavier in appearance than the female brow. This can accentuate the appearance of excess skin on the upper lid as well as lending a sleepy or hooded look to the eyes. Our double board-certified Atlanta plastic surgeon will evaluate the best balance of brow and eyelid rejuvenation for you, including the use of injectable products along with brow and eyelid surgery. Precise adjustments of the upper facial contours will yield a vibrant, awake appearance while maintaining a natural masculine look with completely hidden incisions.

The heavy neck appearance many men develop in their 40’s and 50’s may not be from weight gain. Men have naturally heavier muscle in the neck and the one that defines the neck angle, called the platysma, may stretch and become droopy with age. Add a softening of the jawline from jowl formation and your naturally chiseled appearance becomes soft and fleshy. The team at Beaty Facial Plastic Surgery can help restore a strong jawline and taut neckline custom-made just for you with Dr. Beaty's trademarked ProLIFT facelift technique. Come see how we can help restore your look using well-hidden incisions. Patients generally go home after a facelift and the recovery time ranges from 10 days to 3 weeks.

Working out regularly is a great way to maintain health and muscle tone as well as improving appearance. Men frequently find there are areas of stubborn fat and loose skin that do not fully respond to diet and exercise. Beaty Facial Plastic Surgery has solutions for these problem areas that can help improve and sculpt your physique and even improve core strength. Body contouring can put the finishing touches on all your hard work at the gym and keep you looking your best.

There are many injectable fillers now on the market with a wide variety of characteristics. Our staff are experts in filler technology and technique. They use most of the popular fillers on the market including HA fillers from Restylane, Juvederm, and Teoxane RHA in addition to Sculptra and Radiesse. Injections are performed by needle or cannula depending on the area treated and the desired effect. For men, fillers are often used to shape the jawline, fill out the midface, improve nasolabial folds and enhance the lips. Hand rejuvenation may also use fillers to soften the appearance of veins and tendons.

At Beaty Facial Plastic Surgery we are leaders in using non-invasive technologies for aesthetic improvement. We have a robust platform of lasers for skin resurfacing, tattoo removal, spider vein treatment, hair removal, and photo treatment of pigmented areas. We also feature Ultherapy, which uses ultrasound to stimulate collagen production and tighten tissue of the face and body. Combinations of non-invasive treatments are often advisable to achieve maximal results with little to no down time for men with busy schedules.

Even though hair loss is an inevitable part of aging for most individuals, you can fight back. The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment of the scalp uses your own blood cells to accelerate hair growth and thickening. PRP contains a number of stem cells and regenerative enzymes to stimulate your hair follicles for both growth and thickening. We use a high concentration of platelet-rich plasma both injected and microneedled into the scalp to achieve optimal results. The microneedling component also provides a treatment that initiates new collagen formation in the scalp

Men benefit from high-grade medical skin care products to smooth complexion, promote skin health and provide sun protection. The skin care experts at Beaty Facial Plastic Surgery will help you determine the best mix of products for your skin type to clean, exfoliate, nourish and hydrate your particular skin type. We will also recommend sun protection and maintenance procedures to keep your skin at its best.