Weight management is a complex issue – genetics, lifestyle and metabolism all play a role. Dr. Laura Beaty uses prescription GLP1 Agonists or other medications when appropriate. She also sends a Dynamic DNA Nutrition and Fitness test to look at your genetic markers for diet, exercise and obesity related conditions to inform, motivate and personalize your weight management journey.
We love the science behind anti-aging diets. So, we use ProLon, a 5-day plan fasting mimicking diet to jumpstart weight loss. Prolon is a plant based, easy to use diet, packaged into 5 small boxes each including energy bars, soups, a variety of snacks, drinks, and supplements. Following the 5-day jumpstart, we design a plan specific to your needs based on goals, personal history and the results of the DNA Fit genetic test.
We use In Body, a non-invasive body composition analysis, to follow your progress. This provides a detailed breakdown of your weight in muscle, fat and water. It also gives a measure of your visceral fat, which is the unhealthy fat stored around your organs. Plus, we get a daily calorie recommendation based on your basal metabolic rate.
Real Patient Testimonial

“Working with Dr. Laura Beaty has been both educational and effective. Learning about my body composition and genetic makeup changed decisions I make daily. Adding Prolon was icing on the cake. I now know I can execute a 5-day, 10-pound loss and get myself back on track or give myself a boost anytime. In addition, Dr Beaty is matter of fact and not judgmental in the slightest. I was comfortable from the minute I walked in the door.” - Kara
Dr. Beaty may use medication in conjunction with diet changes to achieve weight goals and maintenance.
Health Forward
Your weight loss journey may lead you to explore other options to get your body in the best possible shape. Learn more about what Health Forward has to offer.
Dr. Laura Beaty says
“Everyone’s journey is unique. DNA Fit helps individualize the process by using your genetic results to get your very best outcome. Prolon is a great way to not only lose weight, but also to slow cellular aging! I’ve helped some patients lose weight in a stepwise fashion through intermittent fasting followed by periods of weight stabilization, while others do best with a slow, steady weight reduction. One of my favorite patients had never been in a gym. In one of our sessions together, I took him down to our building gym and introduced him to both the treadmill and the elliptical trainer. He now works out regularly. While one goal may be to look your best, my overarching goal is for everyone to feel great and live their healthiest life.”