IPL, sometimes referred to as FotoFacial, is a fabulous option for those looking to revitalize worn skin, reduce sun or age spots, or reduce redness or rosacea.
What is IPL?
IPL, or intense pulsed light, is a technology similar to a laser. Instead of a single wavelength of light as with a laser, IPL uses a broad spectrum that when used with filters, allows it to be used to treat several conditions…penetrating deep into the skin causing collagen formulation and blood vessels below the epidermis to constrict, reducing sun or age spots, age lines, revitalizing worn skin, and reducing redness or rosacea.

Benefits of IPL
The benefits of IPL include a smoother, brighter, rejuvenated, younger-looking skin. IPL treatments can also decrease visible acne scarring and also inhibit future acne flareups.
Candidates for a FotoFacial
Anyone who has blotchy, sun-damaged, or discolored skin, or whose skin is affected by large pores, freckles, or wrinkles, may benefit from a FotoFacial. Patients with light, untanned skin that is still somewhat elastic are the best candidates for a FotoFacial. IPL is not recommended for people with darker skin tones (ex: those who are a type V or VI on the Fitzpatrick scale). Additionally, you may not be a good candidate for IPL/FotoFacial if you are prone to developing red, raised keloid scars or other forms of excess scarring, hyperpigmentation, or hypopigmentation, if you do not react well to burns, or if you have diabetes (as this disease may affect your body’s natural wound-healing ability).

What issues can IPL treat?
- Skin damaged by sun exposure
- Rosacea and other types of skin redness
- Pigmentation like age spots and freckles
- Fine lines and wrinkles caused by aging
- Enlarged pores and some acne scars
IPL Treatment Process
First, the surface of the skin will be thoroughly cleansed to remove oil and debris. The skin will still be performed even if you arrive without makeup. Next, a cool gel will be applied to the skin. This will help facilitate the transfer of light waves into the epidermis. A small handpiece will be used to glide over the gel in a grid-like pattern. The pulses of light are administered at approximately every centimeter across the treatment surface. In some cases, more than one pass is made over the area skin. The treatment involves the absorption of light energy into deeper layers of the skin.
What does IPL feel like?
Some patients describe a momentary snap that can feel like a rubber band on the skin. A warm sensation may also be felt.
How long is an IPL session?
Your IPL session will last between 30-45 minutes.
How many IPL Treatments are needed?
Here at Beaty Facial Plastic Surgery, we recommend a series of 3 to 5 treatments to see full results.


Diminished Redness After Three Treatments of IPL
IPL Treatment Recovery
There is virtually no downtime after IPL treatment, so you can return to regular activities immediately afterward.
Does IPL hurt?
The degree of comfort during their treatment varies from patient to patient; some barely feel a thing and others find the snapping sensation mildly uncomfortable.

Side Effects of IPL
There are relatively few long-term risks associated with IPL. Short-term potential side effects include very minor swelling, redness, and increased visibility of small capillaries. These symptoms usually begin to disappear within a few hours of treatment. Individual side effects and concerns are discussed at your consultation.
Schedule a Consultation
This procedure is performed by a laser expert. Our staff will provide you with the highest standard of care to make sure you are as comfortable as possible during your procedure. Contact our office today to schedule your IPL consultation with the Beaty Facial Plastic Surgery team.
*results may vary
Our providers specialize in non-surgical procedures, facial plastic surgery options and more.
If you would like to learn more about our services, please contact us to speak with one of our experts.