Facial Feminization Surgery

Young attractive Caucasian female ready for cosmetic operation.Sometimes nature doesn’t get it right in the womb. Even after gender reassignment surgery, you may still have masculine facial features. Even if you haven’t undergone surgery, the board-certified facial plastic surgeons at Beaty Facial Plastic Surgery can help feminize your facial features.

Learn More About Facial Feminization Surgery

What is facial feminization surgery? The treatment focuses on the appearance of the face and neck. Our diverse clientele includes males transitioning to females and women born with more masculine facial features.

Combining various cosmetic procedures, our physicians safely modify facial features.

The procedures often involve reshaping and resizing the forehead. Males typically have wider, heavier foreheads, and our treatments work to reduce and soften the area’s appearance. We can also make your cheeks fuller and rounder while also plumping up thin lips.

Large Adam’s apples are shaved, so you can proudly show off your more feminine neck. Square and broad chins can be reshaped for a less masculine appearing jawline. We can also refine or alter the shape of your nose, and we offer additional procedures.

Our goal is to help you come to love your appearance, regardless of the gender you are born with.

Is Facial Feminization Surgery Right for You?

A common misconception is facial feminization surgeries are only for patients undergoing gender reassignment. Women can also develop more masculine traits, especially as they age.

Rectangular jawlines, receding hairlines, and prominent foreheads are some of the common complaints we hear from our female clients. These facial issues may also make you a good candidate for facial feminization surgical procedures.

A good candidate will have realistic expectations. You will have a more feminine appearance, but our skilled physicians cannot completely alter your facial bone structure. After the procedure, you will still have your familiar appearance. The only difference is it will be softer, with less prominent masculine features.

Patients in good mental and physical health are good candidates for the procedures.

Contact Us Today to Learn More

The Beaty Facial Plastic Surgery clinic in Atlanta, GA, is proud to offer facial feminization surgical procedures to all of our diverse clientele.

Contact us online or call our Atlanta, GA clinic at 770-753-0053 to schedule a consultation.

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