Plastic Surgery Doesn’t Need Myths

Facial Plastic Surgery Atlanta GAThere are myths, urban legends. There are mistaken rumors. Whatever you call them, they’re not exactly factual. Maybe they’re a little overcooked, full of exaggeration. Maybe they’re just not true.

Plastic surgery has its own fair share.

Even the term “plastic” in plastic surgery is misunderstood. People think plastic is meant to be fake, akin to the material plastic. But in reality, the word plastic in plastic surgery comes from the Greek work meaning “to mold.”

Here are a handful plastic surgery myths Dr. Beaty would like to set straight.

Plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery are the same thing

A board-certified plastic surgeon has completed five years in surgical training at an accredited hospital, at least two years focusing on plastic surgery. Other physicians can have some training in plastic surgery to do cosmetic procedures in certain areas. But the level of training is not the same. For the record, Dr. Beaty is a double-board certified facial plastic surgeon.

Plastic surgery doesn’t leave scars

Someone told you that and you believed it? How’d you like to buy some swampland down in Louisiana? Any time you’re making an incision and cut the skin, the result of the incision is a scar. Talented plastics surgeons such as Dr. Beaty, however, minimize the appearance of scars by placing the incisions in inconspicuous places such as where a natural crease occurs.

You can’t go out in the sun after surgery

Not true. You should limit your sun exposure because it can delay your healing to a degree and it can make your scars redden. But, as long as you wear sunscreen, you don’t have to pretend you’re a vampire.

Cost is all you should consider when contemplating cosmetic surgery

Almost all cosmetic surgery (not reconstructive surgery) is elective and not covered by insurance, but cost is not the only thing to consider. Your expectations need to be realistic. A procedure isn’t going to make you an entirely new person. You may have a nicer nose or a younger face, but a procedure doesn’t make your whole life change. Unrealistic expectations make for unsatisfied patients.

Liposuction is a great weight loss tool

Dr. Beaty only performs facial liposuction, but this one needs to be corrected just the same. Liposuction is not a weight-loss tool; bariatric surgery is a weight-loss procedure. Liposuction is meant to remove pockets of fat that don’t respond to exercise or diet changes. Things like love handles. It is not meant to be a procedure for people that are over 10% above their ideal weight. Removing too much fat at one time is actually dangerous.

Schedule a Consultation

Do you have questions about any of the facial procedures Dr. Beaty and his team perform? Don’t necessarily believe what you hear from friends and the like. Instead, give us a call and ask away. Or, better yet, schedule a consultation with Dr. Beaty by calling (770) 753-0053.

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