Dermabrasion is a non-surgical skin procedure that help minimized the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by carefully scraping away the damaged top-layer of facial skin. Your dermabrasion doctor in Atlanta, double-board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Mark Beaty, can treat the entire face or just focus on particular trouble spots. Everything for your dermabrasion appointment is done right here at Beaty Facial Plastic Surgery in Alpharetta, Georgia.
Our dermabrasion doctor in Atlanta will sit down with you, discuss your skin concerns and thoroughly examine your skin in order to determine what type of skin treatment will work best to meet your specific needs. For example, patients with easily irritable skin or acne may not be the best candidates for dermabrasion.

Dermabrasion, a retreat for your skin!
Dr. Beaty, your dermabrasion doctor in Atlanta, uses local anesthesia to minimize feeling in the target areas so the procedure is less painful and only slightly uncomfortable. The procedure itself generally takes no longer than 30 minutes, depending on the extent of damaged skin that needs to be scraped off. Once the controlled abrasion is complete, healing agents will be applied to the treated areas to enhance recovery. Affected skin may be red or swollen for a few days after the procedure, but as new skin forms this pain will subside. Your dermabrasion doctor in Atlanta will provide detailed instructions on how to treat your skin as it heals.
Pictures and testimonials of successful skin treatments by Dr. Beaty may help you determine if dermabrasion or another treatment is right for you. Call (770) 753-0053 to schedule a consultation with a dermabrasion doctor in Atlanta or contact us for any other skin treatment questions you might have.