BMI is so Much TMI

Body mass index, colloquially known as BMI, has been around seemingly forever as the guide to tell a person if they are or aren’t overweight. You can find BMI calculators all over the web, and your health insurance provider coverage could be predicated upon your BMI. 

But BMI stinks. BMI only uses weight as a measure. 

The problem with the body mass index is that it assumes we’re all the same. From that perspective, BMI then simply takes your height and your weight and generates your BMI index number. But if you look around, we’re all different, so why take one measuring tool and apply it to everyone? 

At Beaty Facial Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety of weight loss options. Dr. Laura Beaty heads up these programs, and she uses a much more interesting, and accurate, tool for analyzing a patient’s body composition. It’s called InBody. 

Now that we’re out of a toasty Atlanta summer, you could be interested in losing some weight this winter, so let’s spend these October blogs on InBody. 

What is an InBody analysis? 

InBody body composition analysis breaks down your weight and displays your body composition data on an organized, easy-to-understand result sheet. The results help you understand your fat, muscle, and body water distribution. This can then be a guide to help you achieve your weight and wellness goals. 

Why is this better than BMI? InBody tells you what your weight really represents. Scales can’t differentiate between fat, muscle, and bone. All they tell you is your total weight. A man who wears a 46 jacket size and has a 33 waist likely has more of his weight in bone and muscle, as evidenced by the shape of his body. But BMI doesn’t allow for that. Same with any other variation for any person. 

Instead, InBody at Beaty provides a detailed breakdown of your weight in terms of muscle, fat, and water. 

That provides a better starting point for you to understand the makeup of your body. That helps in planning a weight loss program, and it helps when we’re targeting our CoolSculpting and CoolTone treatments. 

In October’s second blog we will get into more detail about our InBody system at Beaty Facial Plastic Surgery. Until then, if you’d like to come in for any of our treatments, please give us a call at (770) 753-0053 to schedule your appointment.

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