Gravity is like the Braves were when Smoltz, Glavin, and Maddux were pitching — it wins every time. We all like to think we’re doing our best to keep up with Father Time, but the physics of gravity could care less. It’s always puling everything downward. The results show everywhere, including your forehead. Problem is, […]
Spider veins aren’t painful, but they are definitely annoying. These clusters of purple, red, and blue veins appear just beneath the surface of the skin, and are yet another reality of growing older. Dr. Beaty uses a laser to remove spider veins on his patients. What causes spider veins to form? The veins are the […]
Dr. Beaty and his crew are all about helping our patients look and feel great. To that end, we now offer Customizable IV Infusions. They are a great way to get the nutrients and hydration that you may be missing out on in your busy, stressful daily life. There is even a Customizable IV Infusions […]
Who doesn’t love to get rid of their unwanted hair? Come on now. Plucking, shaving, and waxing are fun. And who doesn’t like spreading harsh depilatory creams all over their body? Uh…no one. Yes, getting rid of your unwanted hair is tedious and so repetitive. Just when you shave or wax it away, a couple […]
Living in Atlanta, we’re always glad to see people in places like Buffalo or Chicago fighting through the ice and snow. We’ll head to the golf course instead, if that’s OK. So, our upcoming winter probably won’t be very intense. Still, maybe it’s a good time to get intense with some of those skin issues […]
Holiday parties in Atlanta. We all have them for work, or for our friends and family. Each has its own dynamic, but sometimes they can feel like a competition to show the new dress, the new haircut, even some new breasts. There’s another simple way to make an impression — invite a little Botox to […]
As we age, everything sags to some degree. This is true of our facial skin. It is true of the skin on the underside of our arms. It’s true of our tummies. And it’s true of that tattoo on your shoulder, arm, back, wherever. Studies have shown that around one quarter of people who have […]
There are myths, urban legends. There are mistaken rumors. Whatever you call them, they’re not exactly factual. Maybe they’re a little overcooked, full of exaggeration. Maybe they’re just not true. Plastic surgery has its own fair share. Even the term “plastic” in plastic surgery is misunderstood. People think plastic is meant to be fake, akin […]
Noses are like annoying relatives — everyone’s got one. Unfortunately, rather than seeing them once a year at Thanksgiving, you have to see your unwanted nose every morning in the mirror. It could be too large or too wide. Maybe it has a bulbous tip or flaring nostrils. Maybe the ridge looks like the Smoky […]
At Dr. Beaty’s we love our lasers for all they do for our patients. We use lasers to remove tattoos, permanently get rid of unwanted hair, treat acne and other skin conditions, and for skin resurfacing. But one area our patients particularly like is zapping spider veins. You know, those clusters of purple, blue, and […]