Old Habits Die Hard!

Is it possible to change a habit? When it comes to our health; most of us have tried to make changes.  We tell ourselves that we’re going to eat better or we’re going to exercise more or any number of things.  The problem comes when the things we tell ourselves meet up with old habits.  It’s true that old habits die hard but change is possible.  We are never too out of shape, or too overweight, or too old to makes changes.

As a nutritionist, I often find that clients make unrealistic goals which leads to failure which leads to quitting.  It’s a vicious circle, like getting stuck in spin cycle.  We can better achieve change if we slow down and take a look at what is it that we do that actually trips us up.  If we know the answer, we can better address coming up with a more realistic goal.  In my experience, people often try to lose weight entirely too quickly which leads to disappointment and failure. What they don’t realize is that the failure is not them – the failure is the plan! Be satisfied with losing 1/2lb per week. I know that sounds slow but think about it. If you slow down and do what you’re doing longer; you’ll develop a new habit which changes the old one!

The same is true with exercise goals.  Most people will say ‘I’m going to exercise 5 days per week’.  Well, that’s fine if you’re already exercising 4 days per week, but if you’re exercising twice a week; the goal of 5 days per week is unrealistic.  What if you’re not exercising at all?  Start with one day; that’s a good first goal.  It’s achievable, you feel successful, and you can move on with from there.

Set realistic goals that you can achieve.  You will feel successful and can move on from there making the next realistic goal.

If you want to learn more about how we form habits and then change habits, I recommend the book “The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business” by Charles Duhigg.  It’s very interesting.

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