How much downtime is there with facial plastic surgery?

How much downtime is there with facial plastic surgery?

That answer slightly differs for the different types of facial surgery.  I’ve tried to describe the general timeframe most patients take away from work and exercise for many the different surgeries we offer.  It’s important to note that everyone’s recovery process is unique and may vary based on the type of surgery they had and their individual healing capabilities. Some patients may experience minimal bruising and swelling, while others may require more time for their bodies to heal.

Facelift and neck lift Surgery

You get your sutures out after one week and most bruising is gone by week two.  If you want to hide the fact that you’ve had surgery, you can use make up to cover the bruising and typically return to work after 10 days.  Although many patients are comfortable sharing their recovery and return to work sooner.


You get your sutures out after one week and most bruising is gone by week two. If you want to hide the fact that you’ve had surgery, you can use make up to cover the bruising and typically return after 10 days. If you are not hiding that you’ve had surgery, you may return after five days. Eye rest is necessary for five full days.


You will be in a splint for one week. You may have bruising that may persist for up to two weeks. You can typically return after one week, but many people return even while wearing their splint. Even though you look good after the splint comes off, some swelling may linger for up to one year after rhinoplasty surgery.

Forehead lowering

You get your sutures out after one week and most bruising is gone by week two. If you want to hide the fact that you’ve had surgery, you can use make up to cover the bruising and typically return after 10 days. If you are not hiding that you’ve had surgery, you may return after one week.

Buccal Fat Removal and Lip Lifts

You may have considerable swelling for up to two weeks. Eating and drinking can be a challenge in the days following these procedures. Most patients are comfortable working from home after a few days, but return to work at day ten.

Fractionated CO2 Laser Resurfacing

When an aggressive resurfacing is done, you want to allow two weeks to recover. You may feel fine and be able to work from home after a few days, but the swelling and care routine is considerable for the first week. Many patients are comfortable going back to work after 10 days, but they still have some swelling and redness. The redness may linger for several months.

Here are some additional tips that may help with the recovery process:
  • Follow your doctor’s post-operative instructions and take any prescribed medications as directed.
  • Get plenty of rest and avoid activities that may cause strain or stress on the affected area.
  • Eat a healthy and well-balanced diet to promote healing.
  • Stay hydrated and drink plenty of fluids to flush out any toxins from your body.

What about returning to exercise?

It’s important to note that the timeline for resuming cardiovascular and weightlifting activities may vary depending on the individual’s health condition and the type of surgery or injury they have had. For almost everything we do, routine cardiovascular exercise can resume at week two and weight lifting can resume at week three.

Remember, you just had surgery and took time away from exercise. Start slow and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. Listen to your body and stop exercising immediately if you experience pain or discomfort. The key to a successful recovery is to prioritize your health and safety above all else.

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