Modeling my belt at Beaty Facial Plastic Surgery
I’ve never worn this belt before. Actually, I’ve never been able to wear it.
Feeling overzealous about my future career, my dad packaged this for my 14th Christmas. “I described you to the store clerk,” my dad narrated, “and he led me to the right size. This belt will last you forever, Brooke.” With good gift-receiving etiquette, I grinned and gave thanks much bigger than my new belt. It accompanied me through high school and college, packaged in its original box.
Whether working with a personal trainer, rollerblading a marathon’s distance, or summiting thousands of feet, I’ve always been in motion. I’d rather be a vegetarian than a carbetarian. Despite this lifestyle, I never could get a handle on my love handles. A belly bulge survived infinite crunches and dictated many of my outfits.
Then I received CoolSculpting, our newest non-invasive procedure at Beaty Facial Plastic Surgery. Over the last month, my waist has slimmed significantly. My pants have outgrown me, giving me an excuse for new clothes and building new confidence. I can now worry about my patients, not how they perceive me.
CoolSculpting managed my problem areas in a way unachievable with diet and exercise. The best part? It is permanent. A decade after opening my dad’s gift I can finally say a real Thank You. A decade from now, I can’t wait to take a picture wearing the same one.
If you relate to this story, call us at (770)753-0053. All of our staff has received CoolSculpting and everyone is happy to share their experience! Let’s find out how it can change your life by putting you in control again.