What is an InBody analysis?
InBody body composition analysis breaks down your weight and displays your body composition data on an organized, easy-to-understand result sheet. The results help you understand your fat, muscle, and body water distribution and act as a guide to help you achieve your goals.
Why do we use an InBody analysis at BeatyMD?
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a common, but outdated method used to assess the health of an individual by comparing the amount of weight they carry to the height of the individual. BMI has many limitations and is a poor tracking tool for weight change because there’s no way to identify if changes in your weight are in fat or muscle.
Our physicians care as much about your health as we do your appearance. An Inbody assessment can provide invaluable information to help you achieve your goals; whether that is to lose a few pounds, improve your health or move toward a complete body transformation. We use Inbody assessments in conjunction with our CoolSculpting and CoolTone program, our weight loss program and our wellness assessments.
How does it work?
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) measures impedance by applying alternating low-level electrical currents through the water in the body. You cannot feel the current!
Unlike fat, the muscles in your body contain a high percentage of water. So currents will flow through muscle and fat at different rates allowing accurate measurement of each component.
Click to view a sample InBody assessment sheet