What is Health Forward?
When you are ready to move your Health Forward, Dr. Laura Beaty offers comprehensive physical exams and testing that goes beyond routine bloodwork that allows us to understand you from the inside out. We use LabCorp for our basic laboratory tests and Dynamic DNA laboratories and Spectracell Labs for our advanced testing needs.
Get the most from your diet, exercise and skincare routine. Get the most out of your health assessments.
Have you ever asked why? Health Forward has the answer.
We are all aware that our bodies, though functionally similar, are individual intricate works of art. And despite our similarities one size does not fit all when it comes to healthcare.
Meet with Dr. Laura Beaty, our wellness expert, to further explore where advanced testing can positively impact your health.
How does Health Forward benefit me?
When we have an in depth look at your current health, you are more likely to make the necessary changes to improve your health. Dr. Laura Beaty goes beneath the surface to make recommendations that will make a lasting difference for your physical health and emotional well-being.
How is the Testing Administered?
We will meet with you for an in person assessment and a follow-up visit to review results and make recommendations. Tests are done by venipuncture (blood draw) or buccal mucosa (cheek) swab and take approximately 14 business days to receive your comprehensive results. Once received, your results will be reviewed with you in detail by Dr. Laura Beaty, BFPS's Wellness Director. You will also be given a specific health care plan and recommendations for your health.
What kind of tests are available?
We offer several types of comprehensive physical examinations, laboratory and genetic testing, all which can be initiated in our office.
Comprehensive Physical Examinations
Our wellness director, Laura Beaty MD, offers comprehensive physical examinations starting at $350. While you may have a primary care physician, sometimes it is invaluable to your health to have a wellness expert weigh in on what you can do to stay Health Forward.
She will meet with you to review your past medical history, health habits and any current medical concerns.
Testing for various concerns may be done with or without the comprehensive physical examinations, but all Health Forward visits require a follow-up visit with Dr. Laura Beaty to review your results.
The Skin I’m In
Our Skin DNA Test includes 26 genetic markers that will help you develop and maintain a healthier skincare routine. You’ll learn about your genetic tendencies for aging and areas of vulnerabilities, from complexion to nutritional deficiencies. Receive personalized treatment recommendations based on your unique genetic profile.
Best for determining most productive procedures, nutrition and products to maintain long term skin health.
Supplement Smorgasbord
Micro-nutrient testing used to evaluate the function of 35 nutritional components and immune response.
Best for determining best diet and supplement regimen.
The Diet For You
Our Nutrition DNA Test will help you discover 42 genetic traits related to your diet, eating behaviors, nutritional needs and more. The genes in our DNA help control virtually every aspect of our nutrition, from how we feel when we eat, to how we process and metabolize the nutrients and vitamins we consume.
Best for determining the specific diet that works best for YOU. Balanced / Mediterranean / Low-Carbohydrate / Low-Fat
The Path to Fitness
Our Fitness DNA Test is engineered to provide unfiltered access to how your body responds to physical exercise. Identify 40 genetic traits that are essential to fitness including strength, recovery, and performance. Results will help you create the ideal fitness routine to maximize weight loss and discover your competitive edge.
Best for determining what approach should be taken to achieve or maintain your ideal body weight and optimize physical performance.
The Heart of the Matter
Risk Assessment that evaluates markers to quantify your individual risk for developing heart disease or having a heart attack.
This test is best for determining areas of risk even if you are on medication for cholesterol.
Aging Inside and Out
Telomeres are the end caps of chromosomes that serve to protect your DNA. We measure your telomeres' lengths to get a feel for how you're aging biologically.
This test is best for determining how you are aging on the inside in comparison to your biological age.
Can I do more than one test at a time?
Yes! However, we recommend no more than 2 additional tests beyond routine labs to create a manageable action plan.