What is a Brow Lift?
A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is performed to restore a more youthful appearance to the upper face. It is designed to adjust the position of eyebrows, smooth forehead wrinkling, and tighten excess skin. A brow lift rejuvenates the eyes to give patients a rested, younger look.
Our Atlanta and Alpharetta facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Mark Beaty has extensive experience helping patients achieve the more lifted, youthful brow appearance they desire. We invite you to explore the informative sections on this page to learn more about the procedure, or you can contact us today to schedule a personalized consultation.

What Are the Benefits of a Brow Lift?
A forehead lift offers a variety of benefits for patients, including:
- Reduction or elimination of wrinkles and fine lines in the upper third of the face
- Smoother, tauter forehead skin
- A more open, alert eye appearance
- Reduced sagging of the upper eyelids
- Improved brow arch, including enhanced symmetry between the brows
- A more serene, youthful expression
During a consultation, our board-certified facial plastic surgeon can assess your specific aesthetic goals and the quality of your skin. This allows him to create a custom treatment plan for enhancing the overall appearance of the upper third of your face.
What causes Droopy Eyebrows?
Aging, the loss of skin elasticity, and the effects of gravity can all cause the eyebrows to sag. In addition, these factors may cause wrinkles to deepen between the eyes or on the forehead. Fortunately, all of these issues can be addressed through a brow lift.
Who Is a Candidate For Brow Lift Surgery?
The ideal candidate for a brow lift is a healthy individual who does not have any medical conditions that could increase the risk of surgery or impair healing. They should be interested in restoring aging skin around the eyebrow area and have realistic goals as well as a positive outlook on the procedure.
What Are Brow Lift Results Like?
Although a brow lift will not stop the aging process, the effects of a brow lift can last for many years after the procedure. It’s important to note that following up with Dr. Mark Beaty for consideration of adjunctive procedures as well as life-long sun protection are important steps to maintaining your results.
Brow Lift Before & After Photos


*Individual results may vary!
How Can I Prepare For Forehead Lift Surgery?
Prior to the surgery, you will meet with your surgeon for an initial consultation. The consultation will include a thorough aesthetic evaluation of the brows and upper face and video imaging. We will also review your medical history. Patients should avoid anti-inflammatory drugs and stop smoking well in advance of the procedure.
What Is the Eyebrow Lift Procedure Like?
Dr. Beaty often recommends endoscopic brow lifts. This technique is less invasive and typically results in a shorter healing time. Instead of making one long incision, your surgeon will make three to five shorter incisions in the scalp where an endoscope (camera device on the end of a thin tube) is inserted into one of the incisions. This will allow Dr. Beaty to view the tissues and muscles on a television monitor.
Other endoscopic instruments will then be inserted into another incision to gently lift the forehead and remove or alter the underlying tissues.
In certain cases where the hairline needs to be modified, Dr. Beaty may use a coronal or pretrichial approach, which uses a longer incision hidden within the hairline.
What Can I Expect From the Brow Lift Recovery Process?
Although most patients experience minimal pain after the procedure, your surgeon will prescribe medication to ease any discomfort associated with the healing process. He also recommends applying a cold compress for 48 hours following the brow lift. Lastly, patients will need to keep their head elevated for a couple of days after the procedure.
Surgical clips will be removed one week following the surgery and full recovery will occur within two-three weeks after the procedure.

Can I Get a Non-Surgical Brow Lift?
In general, a surgical brow lift is the most reliable and comprehensive way to dramatically enhance the appearance of the upper third of the face. That said, some patients may be candidates for a non-invasive alternative using BOTOX® Cosmetic or other neuromodulators. This procedure, sometimes called a non-surgical brow lift, uses injectables to relax the muscles of the forehead, smoothing wrinkles and reducing tension between the eyebrows. Ultherapy® ultrasonic skin tightening can also help lift the brow non-surgically by firming the skin of the forehead and around the eyes. In addition to tightening a lifting loose skin, Ultherapy® can also stimulate the production of collagen in the deeper layers of the dermis for long-lasting results.
Can a Browlift be combined with any other procedures?
Dr. Beaty is an award-winning facial plastic surgeon and can do many procedures to complement a brow lift such as:
- Facelift
- Neck lift
- Rhinoplasty
- Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty)
- Otoplasty
- Facial implants
- Face liposuction
We also offer non-surgical procedures that can be performed.
Risks of Forehead Lift Surgery
As with any surgical procedure, there are certain risks associated with a brow lift, including:
- Bleeding
- Elevated hairline
- Risks of anesthesia
- Facial asymmetry
- Fluid accumulation
- Eye irritation/dryness
- Facial nerve injury
- Loss of hair around the incisions
That said, Dr. Beaty is a highly trained and experienced double board-certified facial plastic surgeon with extensive expertise in ensuring the most safe and satisfactory possible outcome for patients.

Our providers specialize in non-surgical procedures, facial plastic surgery options and more.
If you would like to learn more about our services, please contact us to speak with one of our experts.